2024 Annual Bankers' Committee Retreat


6-8 December 2024

Transcorp Hilton , Abuja

In recognition of the importance of the financial system as a catalyst for economic growth and national development, a regulator led collaborative process to enable the banking sector to participate more effectively in the Nigerian real sector was initiated at the 2009 Bankers Committee Inaugural Retreat in Calabar. The annual retreat provides a platform for the banking sector to articulate and strategize on ways to boost lending to the most critical sectors of the economy for sustainable growth. Collaborative programs and initiatives of the Bankers' Committee have over time delivered tangible improvements to the nation's payments and financial system, as well as improved credit to the critical sectors of the economy. The 2024 Retreat is the fourteenth in a series of coordinated strategic reviews to refine the role of the Banking sector in the nation's economic development and identify imperatives and opportunity for collaborative action by licensed deposit money banks.

With the theme “Contract and Commitment to National Development and Economic Growth” this year's deliberations by a resurgent, stronger banking system will focus on specific, actionable opportunities for collaboration to enable and catalyze national development and economic growth.

Registered participants will receive login information from the 2024retreatplanning@bankerscommittee.ng email.

Click here to login to access retreat documentation and materials.

Arrangements for Accommodation and Meals

On premise accommodation is provided at the Transcorp Hilton for registered participants from Friday, 6th to Sunday, 8th December and includes breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. On arrival at the Transcorp Hilton, please check in with your registered name. You will be given vouchers for dinner on Friday and Saturday at the Hotel Restaurants. Lunch on Saturday will be a group lunch for Retreat participants and there will be catering for lunch prior to departure on Sunday

Bankers Committee Logo


Expanding Access to Effective Credit for Economic Growth

Ideation of innovative credit products and interventions for a collaborative industry approach to develop the credit markets and to achieve a multiplier impact of driving economic growth and development.

Addressing Infrastructure Funding Gap For Production Economy

Intermediations by banking system to close the infrastructure funding gap and support economic growth and development.

Foreign Exchange And Financial Market Capacity Development

Collaborative action to improve foreign exchange and financial market maturity with specific focus on necessary talent and capacity for a resilient financial system


Banker's committee member banks